The Club
Pluto in Aquarius
aquarius astrology pluto transformation

Are You a Witch?
connection spell spiritual witch witchcraft

The Meaning of Your Name
given name meaning name purpose soul spell

Sometimes, I imagine that our names are here to help us learn and teach others. We don't think much about the spell or magick of what we are called each day from the moment we take our first breath.
What does your name mean?
Take a moment to consider the energy that is held in that one word.
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra

The New Moon, and second and final eclipse of this season, is happening Wednesday, October 2nd. The sun is currently in Libra and this will be the last eclipse we have in this sign for nearly a decade- leaving us with an interesting energy in the air. Usually, when we welcome a New Moon, it is all about new beginnings and planting seeds in our lives. However, this eclipse is helping us finish a story that began around April 2023, when the first eclipse on the Aries/Libra nodal axis began. Looking back, is there anything that began around that time that is...
Autumnal Altar
altar equinox fall gratitude mabon

Today marks the first day of fall. The equinox is upon us, and with that, longer nights and cooler air. From someone living in FL, cooler air is something we wait on with bated breath (surely it will come at some point, right?). For many of us, our senses come alive once autumn knocks on our doors. When that breeze hits just right, you are transported to every nostalgic fall movie/show from your youth. It's more than buying new Halloween decor and costumes. It's the Goldilocks feeling that the seemingly endless heat of summer is over and the punishing cold has...