Autumnal Altar

altar equinox fall gratitude mabon


Today marks the first day of fall. The equinox is upon us, and with that, longer nights and cooler air. From someone living in FL, cooler air is something we wait on with bated breath (surely it will come at some point, right?).

For many of us, our senses come alive once autumn knocks on our doors. When that breeze hits just right, you are transported to every nostalgic fall movie/show from your youth. It's more than buying new Halloween decor and costumes. It's the Goldilocks feeling that the seemingly endless heat of summer is over and the punishing cold has yet to come. For now, all is just right. 

Everyone has their ways of honoring the seasons or, if you celebrate, the Wheel of the Year. I personally do not follow a tight wheel of the year (I do not consider myself a Pagan or Wiccan), so I don't want to speak on Mabon because, honestly, it's not my story to share. However, what I can speak about are the themes I recognize in the autumnal shift. 

Transformation, Balance, Offering, Harvest, Gratitude.

Choose whichever theme you wish to focus on intuitively, but if you are looking for suggestions, this is an excellent time of year to create a gratitude altar. For me, this isn't at my usual altar; instead, I dedicate another small area of my home to it for the season. To begin, I first recommend cleansing the area. I wipe down surfaces with Florida water and then use incense or a smoke bundle to cleanse the air and energy.

 What to add:

-Pieces of the outdoors that are in season. Whether it is herbs, flowers, or forest floor finds. Items such as acorns, fallen leaves, an apple, and mums would work perfectly for this. Even more perfect, whatever is local to you this time of year. 

 -Photo of loved ones AND/OR things you are grateful for. We make vision boards for what we want but how often to do look at what we have? This does not have to be a whole collage, but put some photos in pretty frames to remind you of how the Universe has blessed you thus far. It must be said that as we get closer to Halloween/Samhain the veil between worlds gets thinner. And though you should always keep your ancestors in mind, now is the time to honor them deeply. For it is believed they are closer to us than ever.

-Candle For Gratitude. This candle can be lit over and over when you come to your altar this time of year. Think of it as a prayer candle to be lit while you practice gratitude, journal, or do whatever you do in/at that space. Don't think of it as a spell candle. There is no fear of ruining the magic by blowing out the flame. This candle is a mindful tool.

-Any items that remind you of this time of year. If you have special memories or mementos from this season, this altar is a great place to display them right now. 

-An affirmation card or Oracle card you want to align with this season. You can choose to keep the same one up all season or choose a new one each week. Whatever feels right to you. 

-An Offering. This could be a small bowl of water, a crystal, or pretty flower you found. Try making an offering to spirits, to the Universe, or to whomever or whatever you believe in. It's the thought that counts and it shows you acknowledge all that has been given to you. 

These are only suggestions. As with anything in life, make it personal and follow your intuition on what you can add to make this your altar. No matter what you decide, I strongly believe that taking these small moments can make a world of difference. Our lives are busy and messy (in most cases), and knowing there is somewhere to come and celebrate what feels good to our souls can keep us balanced and restore harmony within. 


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