The Club — astrology

Pluto in Aquarius

aquarius astrology pluto transformation

Pluto in Aquarius

 The lesson in Pluto itself is how we are affected by the effect. It's your chance to practice alchemy -- your chance to learn from the lessons and move forward, different than before...stronger and more confident. It should activate your inner power, not your inner victim.

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Healing and Manifestation

alchemical alchemy astrology energy growth guidance healing manifest manifestation mystic reading tarot

Healing and Manifestation

In my opinion, in order to manifest forward movement, we need to make eye contact with those shadows that could be holding us back.

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The Mystics Club Guide To Aquarius Season

aquarius astrology blog spread zodiac

The Mystics Club Guide To Aquarius Season

This zodiac sign is represented by the Water Bearer, which many believe symbolizes their pure intentions and truth for our society. Aquarians can teach us to fully be ourselves. They often times dance to the beat of their own drum and it doesn't bother them one bit. Comparison is, after all, the thief of joy.

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Happy New Year - The Year of The Chariot

astrology chariot new year tarot

Happy New Year - The Year of The Chariot

This year, stay focused on your path. Have confidence in your convictions and the boldness to say what you want. If you learned more about who you are in 2022 then 2023 is the year to transform into that person and weave those pieces into every corner and fabric of your life. Through the distractions and detours, remember that you were and are ready. You've got this, just keep the faith that you've got this. 

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Astrology Series- Your Moon Sign

astro astrology moon sign

Astrology Series- Your Moon Sign

The moon sign can help point us to what makes us feel emotionally secure or even a deeper purpose for being here. It can be used to explain how we respond to life's circumstances, especially emotionally. The moon is an important archetypal energy for us if we can translate its position in our chart to our lives here on earth. 

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